
About the Family

T and I met way back in 2004 in Auburn, Alabama. Stuff happened, timing wasn't right, yada, yada. We reconnected in 2007 and I suppose that's where it all began...

T played minor-league baseball and was playing about 3 hours from where I was living and we started hanging out. Obviously, he fell in love ASAP.

We dated.
Really it was only 2 1/2 years.
He finally got smart and proposed. After skydiving.

We got married in front of about 50 people.

2 weeks after we got engaged.

I started traveling with him and learned the art of poverty simplicity.

Yes, that's an air mattress.
Yes, we lived here.
Life in the minors.

We were married for about 2 1/2 years when we decided we'd start trying for a baby. we gave ourselves a year to get pregnant and assumed we'd have our bundle of joy the day that the off-season started so T could help me out for the first 3 months.

Life laughed in my face.

It took a month and we got pregnant. Rather, I got pregnant.

And big. 
So very, very BIG.

And my due date?
Opening day of baseball, obviously.

But it's OK because we were blessed with this beauty in March of 2013....

And she's since turned into this beauty...

I love her.
T loves her.
Chaos ensued.

As usual, T was busy with my sister wife and was in Arizona when I went into labor and missed it by about 15 minutes. He spent 72 hours with us then left us again for his other love. I spent a month hanging out in Bama with the fam before I joined him. He was in town approximately every other week and home for about 12 hours a day - with 8 of those spent sleeping. 

Loads of fun.

Oh, and as of last month, we welcomed this guy.

Welcome to the family, Nash.

Life is interesting.

Now that T is finished playing baseball we got a house (yay!), moved to a new city, and are learning how to be a (somewhat) "normal" family.

All in all, I love my life. It's hard, chaotic, some days I don't shower (sshhh), and I'm white as a ghost (because who has time to lay out????),  but I'm learning. Adapting. And enjoying every second of it.

Well, most seconds anyways...

These two make it aaalllll worth it.

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