
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

17 Mini-Date Ideas for New Parents

When I found out that I was pregnant I couldn't have been happier. I had wanted this for so long and the time had finally come.

Then I panicked.

I freaked over a lot of things but towards the end of my pregnancy (when hormones were out of control), I really started worrying about how T and I would handle it as a married couple. I had heard a lot of statistics about how your chances for divorce increase significantly after your first child and I didn't want that to happen to us. 

We love Cali more than anything but we still want to make sure that we make our marriage a priority and so we try to find little ways to connect with each other on a daily basis. We're both cheap frugal so we were never big on going out even before Cali came along and now we just don't want to ever leave her. So that leaves us with what we like to call "mini-dates".  We (yup! T helped) came up with some ideas for FREE (mostly) mini-date ideas for new parents. Some are for at home while the baby is sleeping and some are baby friendly. So here we go!

No Babies Allowed!

Cook dinner together - T tries to avoid this one but having him in the kitchen gives us a chance to do an activity together before it's chow time.  He also says he would hang out more if there were a recliner in the kitchen area.

Chat over breakfast during morning nap - This allows you to have some quiet time together before the hustle and bustle of the day.

Movie night (Pick a short movie because it may get interrupted!) T would tell you that if HE picks the movie I will fall asleep before it is over.

Exchange foot massages - There is nothing like a good foot massage to end the day.

Game night - Board game, card game, twister?  Last year we played a game called Casino.  The card games were effective at keeping our competitive juices flowing.

Make out like teenagers - Anywhere, anytime! Why not?

Husband/wife Bible study - We like to come together on more than just the newest episode of New Girl (even though I love that show!)

Spa night - He paints toes and she plucks his hairs?

Mini vow renewal - Re-make promises to each other and have a dance.  This might be the hardest to get your significant other to do but it's worth a shot!

Make photo collages - I can get lost looking through the first 6 months of photos of Cali.  One day I'll want her to know and be able to see how much we loved her through this time.

Baby Tag-a-long 

Walks around park or neighborhood - Cali is a big fan of being outside and checking out the scenery.  The added exercise for mom and dad couldn't hurt either.

Bath time - Both parents involved. It's a lot of fun! There is a level of closeness that takes place between the baby and parent during bath time.  Why leave someone out?

Picnics - Nature...check!  Fresh air...check!  Food and snacks...check!  Baby...double check!

Family Photo ops - Can you say "selfies"?

Work out together - This is kind of cheating because baby goes in the nursery.  Our relationship strengthens through our support and teamwork while working out together.

Family church outing - Baby also in nursery.  Body strength in the weight room, soul strength at church.  

Window shopping - Babies love new sights and sounds; explore them with her/him!  T would also say that I have used the phrase, "Cali wanted to buy this" a number of times the last few months.

Those are just some ideas for simple ways to stay connected with your spouse even with a baby. No matter what you choose to do, make sure you continue to respect each other as individuals and always speak with kindness. It makes a world of difference!

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