
Thursday, December 12, 2013

DIY Yarn Wrapped Letter

I'm not really crafty at all, so you've been forewarned. But I am trying to do a lot of handmade gifts for Christmas and I actually liked the way this one turned out. I love yarn wrapped things and I thought that my cousin, Maddox, would too. Well, I hope she does anyways because that's what she's getting for Christmas. 

This craft is really pretty simple as long as the letter you're doing doesn't start with an M… or W I suppose. That point in the middle was a pain in my

You get it.

She better like this because I've burnt my fingers and my skin is raw. Anyways, here we go.

You'll need scissors, a cardboard letter, yarn, and a hot glue gun (not pictured).

The first thing I did was to glue an end to the backside of the letter. We want to cover the ends first.

Once I wrapped the ends on both sides, I made sure the loose ends were glued down.

The tricky part, like I said, was the middle point but I just hot glued the mess out of it and winged it. Just make sure you're pulling tight and wrap, and wrap, and wrap, and wrap, and wrap, and keep wrapping until you have the desired thickness.

VOILA! Not too shabby.


Merry Christmas, Maddox! Ha! 


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