
Monday, January 27, 2014

Massaged Avocado Kale Salad & Kale Chips

Oh, well hello there.

I have two - read that: TWO - recipes for you today!I've talked before about the benefits of kale but it never hurts to mention them again.

But don't take my word for it. Read about some of them here  and here.

The first recipe is a massaged kale salad. I know, it sounds a little strange but just try it for me. I love it. Even my kale-hating husband loves it.

I mean, he's strange because WHO CAN HATE KALE???? But he does. So if you think you're not a kale fan either, take his word for it.

Even though I think all of you kale-hating people are weirdos. 

Just kidding.

BUT really. It's a miracle food. Did you know that?

You can read about 6 MORE benefits of kale here

The best part of these recipes is that they're easy, easy, easy. And they can be made in bulk. Perfection.

So here we go


 1 bunch of Kale (duh)
1/2 avocado
1tbs olive oil (garlic infused is ah-mazing)
Juice of 1/2 lemon
salt to taste
Seasoning of choice to taste (my favorite is Mrs. Dash Onion & Herb)


Pull kale off of stem and chop. Add the rest of ingredients and "massage" together for 1-2 minutes. Let stand about 5 minutes and EAT. See? I told you it was easy. The "massaging" and lemon work together to soften the kale and make it easier to chew.


Next up are kale chips. These are so good that T won't eat them because…

Get this…

They taste too much like potato chips. See? Strange bird. Let's get to it.


1 bunch of kale
Olive oil
Salt & seasoning to taste


Cut kale off stem and chop into pieces. Drizzle lightly with the olive oil and sprinkle seasonings on it. Toss to mix and bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes or until crispy.

You're done.

Both of these recipes are so versatile. You can literally put most anything on them and they'll turn out great. One variation I like is to sprinkle yeast seasoning on the chips and it gives it a (vegan!) cheesy flavor. 

If you cook either of these, let me know how you liked them!

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