
Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Monthlys

So T and I got a new computer (FINALLY!) and I've been slowly transferring all of my pictures from the dinosaur to the fancy smancy one. I uploaded some monthly pictures of her tonight since she's about to be 4 months (What?!). 

I thought I'd share the love :)

I have to admit something...

After months of pinning cute monthly photos.
After ogling photography websites for ideas.
After taking 38723948 pictures a day.

I forgot to do monthly pictures.

I know, I know!

Does that make me a horrible mother?


I mean, I took pictures every. single. day. 

I just didn't pose her for her monthly "birthday" pictures until 3 months. I'm giving myself some leeway though because for the first month I was without T and the second month we were busy enjoying having our family back together. So the two makeshift pics will do.

Until next time!

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