
Sunday, July 21, 2013


So T is still gone and true to form, Cali and I had a mini photo shoot. I'm still practicing with my camera so I try to take as many as possible! 

Oh, you know.

Just hanging out.

I love her tiny features...

This swaddle used to SWALLOW her whole.

My baby is getting so BIG!

I love when I can catch a smile.

The shadows are horrible in this picture but I kinda like it.

I can't believe how much my obsession love for her has grown over these past few months. I mean, sure, I loved her the day she was born but watching her mini personality come out these past few weeks is melting my heart. She has this horrible/adorable (that rhymed!) habit of looking up and smiling at me when I'm trying to rock her to sleep. Then she wiggles her little head into the crook of my arm and I'm putty. 

I'm so ready for baseball season to be over. I'm ready every year but this year it's for a new reason. T only got 72 hours with us after she was born and has only had a handful of off days since we've been here. I can't wait for him to get to spend the special moments with her like I've gotten to. The bathtime, bedtime, morning cuddles, etc. He get sporadic moments but I am so ready for him to experience them on a consistent basis. 


It'll be just in time for him to chase her around everywhere once she starts crawling :)

Until next time!

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